LLP «Bogatyr Coal»
On the company
Resource procurement
Resource Selling
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press center
press center
Корпоративное издание
According to Order of Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
According to Order of Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 26, 2015 # 142 On Approval of the List of Stock Exchange Goods and Minimal Size of Presented Lots Sold Through Stock Exchanges and changes thereto by Order of Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Population # 24 dated August 23, 2019, Bogatyr Coal LLP announces the sales of 150,000 tons of coal of KSN 0-300 grade for utility needs through the stock exchange of CapitalGroup LLP.
On Approval of the List of Exchange Goods and Minimal Size of Presented Lots
According to Order of Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan # 142 dated February 26, 2015 On Approval of the List of Exchange Goods and Minimal Size of Presented Lots, Which are Sold Through Commodity Exchanges, and Changes to it by Order of Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan # 24 dated August 23, 2019 Bogatyr Coal LLP announces on the sales of 3,110 tons of coal of KSN 0-300 grade for domestic needs through the commodity exchange of JSC UTB Sholkovyy Put.
The execution of the measure on the investment program for the regulated service
The execution of the measure on the investment program for the regulated service - provision of an access track for the rolling stock of Bogatyr Coal LLP for 2019 will be made in the 4-th quarter, that is why the works on this measure were not carried out in the 3-rd quarter
100,000 tons of coal of KSN-type 0-300
According to Order of Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 26, 2015 #142 On Approval of the List of Stock Goods and Minimal Size of Presented Lots, which are Sold through Commodity Exchanges, Bogatyr Coal LLP announces on the sales of 100,000 tons of coal of KSN-type 0-300 for utility needs through the commodity exchange FB Capital LLP.
The first in Kazakhstan
The first in Kazakhstan EKG-20 mine excavator manufactured by Urakmashzavod was commissioned solemnly on May 30 at Bogatyr coal mine. The most powerful mining machine in its class was purchased by Bogatyr Coal within the frames of the program of enterprise technical fleet renewal.
The children were awarded
Winners of child drawing competition confined to International Day of Occupational Safety were awarded with letters of award and their parents working at coal producing enterprise were given rewards to their bank accounts for top places, occupied by their children.
Evaluating operational safety
The month on occupational health and safety in Bogatyr Coal LLP began with review contest for production sites.
Operational safety is the priority
On the threshold of the month on Occupational Health and Safety in Bogatyr Coal LLP the informational work concerning personnel’s compliance with rules of labor protection, industrial and fire safety was intensified. Nikolay Korsakov the General Director of Bogatyr Coal LLP accordingly instructed the heads of structural divisions of the Company at regular working meeting.
The “Silver” debut
The weight-lifter from Bogatyr Kanybek Masakbayev returned from Kostanay from the Championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in weight lifting with a silver medal.
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